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How to achieve high take up of your online developments

Learn more about Socitm Insight's linked reports into how you can achieve success with online services leading to high take-up, efficiencies, and greater customer satisfaction. Find out more >>

eDemocracy in Bristol - a great new guide to blogs, ePanels, forums and more

ICELE Website one of the best!

We are delighted to announce that the International Political Science Association has named the ICELE website as one of the top 300 websites for political science online research in the e-Government category. Visit the IPSA website to find out more.

Digital Dialogues: The low-down

Speech bubbles.Digital Dialogues is being led by the DCA and delivered by the Hansard Society. The project works with government departments, agencies and ministerial offices to help them test webchats, forums and weblogs as a means of re-engaging with the public and encouraging interactive ongoing dialogue. The initial findings were published earlier this year and here Ross Ferguson, Director of the project at Hansard, gives us the low-down on the project