ICELE's Vision
ICELE is a sustainable, UK-based centre with strong international backing from eDemocracy experts in the public, private and non-governmental sectors.
The Centre is designed to serve as a 'virtual' focal point for collaborative eDemocracy initiatives both in the UK and abroad. Within the UK, local authorities, community groups and citizens can use the Centre's online resources to help run projects in their local area.
Internationally, governments, academic institutions and not-for-profit organisations can use the Centre's virtual facilities as a first point of call for information about pioneering e-democracy initiatives.
The objectives for ICELE are:
Promote UK as a world leader of successful e-Democracy strategies
Ensure Local e-Democracy National Project outputs are accessible
Showcase tools and technologies to help with democratic engagement
Facilitate partnership working to drive innovation in the democracy field
To help Local Authorities meet relevant targets
To drive forward International e-Democracy and e-Participation policy and strategy
ICELE's workstreams are oulined in detail below and briefly comprise:
Engaging and empowering local community groups online
Political engagement
Spreading the word (communication and dissemination)
Building link
Developing online tools