Partnering internationally

Case Studies

Most of the global lessons in eDemocracy, particularly within government, have remained with practitioners often unaware that their story is a leading example or may prove valuable to others.

Those innovating with eDemocracy rarely have the opportunity to make their lessons and insights known.

One of ICELE's key workstreams will be to build on the international work already delivered through the eDemoracy National Project, which has won international acclaim. This will include building and strengthening existing international links, generating understanding and promoting international developments through this section of the ICELE website, and through the eTools section.

The aim will be to higlight international agencies, projects and tools in an easy-to-view and understandable way - and thereby facilitate cross boundary working and sharing of best practice.

If you would like us to highlight a project on this section of the ICELE website, please contact us via our Feedback Form.