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eTools available through ICELE
ICELE offers a variety of free and low-cost eTools that were developed during the Local eDemocracy National Project, including VOICE a community website and portal solution that's currently being piloted by hundreds of local groups across the country.Similarly there are a number of free services which are subsidised by ICELE such as ReadMyDay (blogging service). ICELE's aim is to also work in partnership with the private sector and other agencies to deliver innovative products.
The tools and services have been designed in conjunction with other Local Authorities, suppliers and public sector bodies with the intention of being low-cost options for exploring eDemocracy.
Moving forward we plan to place a focus on existing and emerging products and help to showcase their capabilities by trialling and reviewing software - from podcasts and webcasts, to forums and ePanels - as well as invite local authorities to review their own experiences.